Red Bike Adventures –
Annual General Meeting 2023

Results of the 2023 General Election:

Red Bike Annual General Meeting – All Members Welcomed

Held: 6.00pm on the 6th December 2023

Where: Blazing Saddles – 421 Esplanade Torquay Hervey Bay

View the 2023 AGM Agenda

Removed Positions

President – Scott Gilchrist
Secretary – Danielle Mares
Treasurer – Craig Howlett
Merchandise Manager – Vicky France
Event Co-Ordinator – Denis France
Committee – Ben Rasmussen
Committee – Melissa Steen

Elected Positions for 2024

President – Scott Gilchrist
Secretary – Vicky France
Treasurer – Craig Howlett
Merchandise Manager – Ben Rasmussen
Event Co-Ordinator – Travis Rogers
Committee – Jack Jackson
Committee – Michael Beck